Author Topic: [TR] Scalping trigger request  (Read 3770 times)

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[TR] Scalping trigger request
« on: 08 Aug 2017, 18:10 »
I would like a trigger to do some scalping on the horses, could I please get it to do the following

  • Start scalping 10 minutes from the start of the race and stop 20 seconds from the off.

  • Bet on every horse in a race with odds of 8 or less.

  • If the bet doesn't get matched within 30 seconds cancel it and bet again.

  • Lay off matched bets with a 1 tick offset.

  • Green-up 15 seconds from the start of the race.

I would greatly appreciate some help with this

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Re: Scalping trigger request
« Reply #1 on: 19 Aug 2017, 19:44 »

Please see your triggers attached. They are designed based on the assumption that you refresh your markets at a rate of 4 sec or faster.

In order to run these triggers, you will have to install the latest version of MF Pro (the one where bet lifetime is available).

Please note that the triggers will repeat the scalping cycle only after all bets are matched (both back and lay bets).

Use the constants to adjust your triggers. Make sure you have tested them in Test Mode.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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