Author Topic: Modification on Lay Greyhound Loss Recovery trigger  (Read 3534 times)

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I have purchased one month membership, can I request a free trigger from the team?

I was using the Lay Greyhound Loss recovery trigger recently. I wanted some modification.

Instead of having the the initial liability (Size of liability (% of current bank)), can I have a constant initial Lay amount.

For example if my initial Lay amount is set to £2 and if I wil then my profit should be £2 (after the commision is deducted) regardless of the liability. If I change the initial bet amount to £5, this means if I win I will get £5 profit etc.

This is like a wagering Lay, your profit is your initial Lay amount. I will adjust min and max odds from the constants menu so will eliminate huge liabilities.

In this case the Liability will change depending on the odds, smaller odds less liability etc.

If my initial bet is £2, thus my aim for single win is £2, If I lose then the Loss recovery will star= initial bet + previous lossess (previous liabilities) devided by the cycle number. This is already in the trigger, just the initial bet size needs to be adjusted.

I noticed that this trigger does not Lay I mean does not fire time to time, I think something can be added to check if the trigger fired or not after 10 or 20 seconds of the normal bet placed.

Thank you for your help,



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Re: Modification on Lay Greyhound Loss Recovery trigger
« Reply #1 on: 02 Feb 2023, 15:43 »

Please see your modified triggers attached.

Use the constants inside the file to adjust the trigger settings, specifically the new init_bet constant.

I noticed that this trigger does not Lay I mean does not fire time to time, I think something can be added to check if the trigger fired or not after 10 or 20 seconds of the normal bet placed.

The trigger will wait for the previous bets to settled before placing the next one. Sometimes it takes a while for a Greyhound market to finish, and one or two markets per day may be even abandoned, which means they will never be settled. In these cases the trigger will wait for 15 mins to pass since the beginning of the previous market where it fired a bet, and then resume betting.

I have added a constant wait_time for you to customize this waiting time.

Make sure you've tested the triggers in Test Mode before you switch to real money. I recommend testing triggers in Time Machine, as you can run your strategy by multiple markets in minutes, and the data is very cheap. 

If you'd like to make any changes to the original trigger description, please make a new trigger request.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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