Author Topic: Happy holidays 2023! Get a FREE subscription extension for the same price  (Read 4843 times)

  • Administrator
  • Posts: 8822
  • Gender: Female
Dear clients and members of our community!

Oh my, what a year this has been! We hope to support you and give you some joy by offering our holiday promotion.

This year, our promotion will last one week longer to prolong the festive mood.

From 19/12/2022 to 15/01/2023, get up to 100% of extra FREE subscription time for the same price! The promotion applies to subscriptions of any duration to the following software products:

- MarketFeeder Pro*

- Time Machine for MarketFeeder Pro

- BF Charts

- X-Feeder

- TimeMachine for X-Feeder

If you have just purchased a subscription, don’t despair, you can take advantage of this promotion too! Purchase a new subscription, and its days (and the free days as well) will be automatically added to the existing expiration date, so you will enjoy your betting program longer for the same money.

Choose the best option for your needs and give yourself the gift you have deserved!

*Please note that additional trigger requests are not added to your subscription under this free extension.

Please be aware that at the end of the promotion, we will likely be increasing subscription prices for existing customers (the prices for new customers have already been increased). Grab this opportunity to stock up on your favourite betting products before they get more expensive!

The good news is that this year we will be there for you for most of the holiday season, so trigger requests and other requests will be processed in a “business as usual” mode.

We wish you happy, relaxing, and peaceful holidays!

Best regards,
WellDone Creative Software Team.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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