Hi again,
Now reporting about the 2nd issue - "Delete finished markets automatically" not always working.
As you can see on the file "Market Settings", i've set the program to delete finished markets automatically. In the "My Markets" file all those markets were let behind without being deleted although everyone has already finished. Some of them almost 1 day ago.
On the other hand, i made some tests without activating my trigger and the program deletes all finished markets as expected.
So, i would say the issue is related with the way my trigger is constructed and the way the changes implemented on this new version affected it. I never noticed this problem before, so, this must be related to changes made in the update.
The main feature i would englight of my trigger is that it stops refreshing some markets throughout the 2nd half of the matches.
It seems that if the market is being refreshed till the end of the match, MFPro deletes automatically it, otherwise it doesn't. But, that's just a trend as sometimes it seems this is not exactly what happens.
Since i updated to the and then to the version i had to delete manually the markets.