Author Topic: MarketFeeder Pro more flexibility in Dutching bets  (Read 17593 times)

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1. In the Auto-Dutching panel in a market view, you can now place Dutching bets manually. Key in all the parameters of your Dutching and press Place Dutching bets.

2. In triggers, you can now place back and lay Dutching bets at a specified number of ticks lower or higher than the current best price (tick offset). The number of ticks can be a number, a variable, or a trigger expression.

3. In the Auto-Dutching panel in a market view you can now also set the tick offset for back and lay bets. Here you can specify only a number.

4. In the Auto-Dutching panel in a market view, you can specify the exact ranks or indexes of the selections you want to place Dutching bets on. For example, you can bet on the 1st, 3rd, 5th ,and 7th favourites:

Or you can bet on selections in positions 1 to 5:

This gives you tremendous flexibility in experimenting with the powerful tool that Auto-Dutching is!

5. There is now a setting in General Options to delete markets at a certain time of day:

This can be useful if, for example, you want to clear all old markets shortly before the start of a new trading day, say at 8 am, and then load the new markets using Market Locator.

6. You can now view the name of the venue (racecourse) where a race takes place. This helps identify the exact name for markets where BetFair shortens venue names, e.g. Wind instead of Windsor.

The name of the venue will be displayed in the Market Info window:

You can also access it using market_venue variable.

You can also use it as a condition in Market Locator to search for races in certain venues:

7. New Market Status option Idle. It was long due and is finally working in the Triggers Editor.

8. You can collapse and expand the Choose markets to start/stop area in the My Markets tab to increase the useful space of the latter:

9. Multiple markets inside the same event are now sorted alphabetically.

10. We have added more countries into the country selection list in Market Locator:

[Problems fixed]

1. We have corrected settled P/L calculation for dead heat.

2. Distance in meters is now also calculated for French horse races

3. If you have zombie markets that have finished long ago still in My Markets, you will need to change your General Options to:

Delete finished markets automatically

And tick Delete all except X most recent markets.

The thing is, if the finished markets were added to your list after the end of the respective event, the program will not be able to settle them, as there will be no selections. For that reason, the previously used setting Delete settled markets automatically won’t work.

4. The event ID (trigger variable event_id) could change its value after In-Play if you added two or more markets from the same event (for example, Match Odds before the kick-off and Correct Score after 50 mins of the game).

5. Weekdays were determined incorrectly in Time Machine.

You can download the new release from the link below:

MarketFeeder Pro
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Hi Oxa

Do you know if the 'Invalid Floating Point Operation' problem is fixed in this verison?  

I only ask becasue it's not listed in the problems fixed section of your announcement.


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Hi Oxa

Do you know if the 'Invalid Floating Point Operation' problem is fixed in this verison?  

I only ask becasue it's not listed in the problems fixed section of your announcement.

Hi armarni,

I believe I removed the circumstances which could have led to this error, but I did not list this in Problems Fixed because I could never reproduce this problem, no matter what I tried. So I will have to rely on your feedback (and on the feedback of other users who may have encountered it).
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Hi Oxa
The dutching enhancements are really good. Am putting the new version to work straight away and will let you know if I come across any issues.  Thank you.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Hi Oxa The dutching enhancements are really good. Am putting the new version to work straight away and will let you know if I come across any issues. Thank you.

Many thanks Mark! Please write here if you come across anything out of place.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Hi there

Seems to be an issue with the market matched volume displaying incorrectly since I updated. Went backwards to previous version and problem disappears - see attached volume should read $76 731.45

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Book percentages displayed on the screen are now rounded to one decimal place from two decimal places in previous versions. This is not a problem as such, just needs getting used to. Book percentage variables are still accurate to two decimals which is the main thing and they are fine.   
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Yes, I removed the second digit after dot because many were complaining that the numbers could not be seen in full unless the window was maximised (people have small screens sometimes).

I can see the problem in the traded volume display. It is correct, but the formatting needs to be fixed. Will attend to it, thank you for noticing!
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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In 1st place thanks for updating the list of countries. I hope in the next version you can solve the event_id issue i talked about in the support (my open ticket). :):):)

I am noticing an issue today with the feature "delete finished markets automatically". I am not sure if it's a betfair's issue or a new version's one, but the MFPro isn't deleting the football markets after they finish.


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Hi Oxa

Do you know if the 'Invalid Floating Point Operation' problem is fixed in this verison?  

I only ask becasue it's not listed in the problems fixed section of your announcement.

Hi armarni,

I believe I removed the circumstances which could have led to this error, but I did not list this in Problems Fixed because I could never reproduce this problem, no matter what I tried. So I will have to rely on your feedback (and on the feedback of other users who may have encountered it).
Hi Oxa,

I can confirm the "Invalid" error above is still happening on UK/Ire horse racing markets



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Hi Oxa, I can confirm the "Invalid" error above is still happening on UK/Ire horse racing markets Cheers, Rich
Hi Oxa

I'm afraid it's still happening with me as well. I have an Nvidia Graphics card. No idea if an AMD card would solve it, but I'll give it a go if you think it might be GPU related?

The reason (for me) that it's an issue is that sometimes it crashes that instance of mfp.  I can have open lay positions that will not be closed if I relaunch mfp, because the trigger has no idea that it has previously fired as the programme crashed after the lay bets were placed.

Other than that on-going issue, the new build is running very well.  In the previous build, the market locator would often miss a few markets in one instance of mfp, yet pick them up in another with the same market locator template running one minute later. (I run them one minute apart to avoid any possible conflict with them both trying to access the same market locator template at the same time.)  I don't know if you tweaked it at all, but so far (3 days) they are now all loading the same number of markets.

Thanks for all your hard work.

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 I am not sure if it's a betfair's issue or a new version's one, but the MFPro isn't deleting the football markets after they finish.

The preliminary testing did not reveal this problem, so I will need more time to reproduce it. Does it happen only with football markets or with any market?

Regarding the Invalid floating point error -- that's a pain! Will have to this of some other ways to catch it. But just to refresh my memory, does the below scenario match yours?

1. In the evening load all horse races for tomorrow. Leave MF Pro running.

2. Next day the error comes up straight away or after the first market starts refreshing.

Is that correct?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Regarding the Invalid floating point error -- that's a pain! Will have to this of some other ways to catch it. But just to refresh my memory, does the below scenario match yours? 1. In the evening load all horse races for tomorrow. Leave MF Pro running. 2. Next day the error comes up straight away or after the first market starts refreshing. Is that correct?
Hi Oxa.
For me, the error occurs in different scenarios:

1: MFP loads loads the markets early in the morning and refreshes them every few minutes throughout the day.  That can produce the error.

2: MFP loads loads the markets early in the morning and does not refresh them until just before the off.  That can also produce the error, even when the market is just idle and not yet refreshing before the off.

In both cases, visually the error affects the name of the last selection, and the selections name reappears after the error is dismissed.  I have to dismiss the error 3 times before it goes away and the name of the last selection is restored to the screen.  

If I then mimimise this instance of mfp and then maximise it again, the error reoccurs.

The error does not occur on every market, but if it occurs on a market, then it will also occur on the same market in overy other instance of mfp I have running. eg if I have 3 instances of mfp with a 2pm horse racing market loaded, the error will occur in all 3 instances of mfp.  This is true if the market is refreshing or if it is idle.

For me the error mosly occurs on UK/IRE horse racing.  I do not load other countries horse racing so I can't comment on those.  I do load a lot of football markets, and the error does happen in those, but very rarely.

Hope that helps you find this needle in a haystack!

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I am not sure if it's a betfair's issue or a new version's one, but the MFPro isn't deleting the football markets after they finish.
The preliminary testing did not reveal this problem, so I will need more time to reproduce it. Does it happen only with football markets or with any market?
Hi Oxa,
I am only using MFPro on football markets at the moment. So, i can´t talk about the other markets.
It's strange because noone else is complaining, so, i start thinking why is it happening in my case?
Anyway, just for you to be sure:
in the general options tab of settings, it's checked the option "delete finished markets automatically" of market settings.
I downloaded the new version a couple of days ago, and since then it stopped deleting automatically the markets in all instances i am working with. I didn't change anything in the settings, so, it's in the minimum strange.

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I hope in the next version you can solve the event_id issue i talked about in the support (my open ticket). 

It should be solved now (see the Problems Fixed section). Have you experienced it with the new version?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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