Author Topic: Version - Football and Tennis score in Time Machine, new variables, etc.  (Read 4948 times)

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1. In Time Machine, you can now see the extended score information and timeline for some (not all) football and tennis matches.

You can also see race status (At the post, Coming down, Parading, etc.) in some horse racing and Greyhound markets in Time Machine.
This means you can now test your most complicated strategies in Time Machine and save tons of time (well, I have already saved days with this new feature!).
You can find out in advance whether a market has access to extended score information or race status. Look for the corresponding label that may or may not appear in the market information window when you are browsing events you would like to add to your shopping cart.

2. We have added new trigger variables to help you evaluate the range of prices of bets traded on a selection:
traded_minp - The minimum price at which at least one bet has been matched on this selection.
traded_mina - The amount matched on this selection at the minimum traded price.
traded_maxp - The maximum price at which at least one bet has been matched on this selection.
traded_maxa - The amount matched on this selection at the maximum traded price.

3. We’ve added new Tennis trigger variables:

tennis_player_service_breaks, tennis_player{number}_service_breaks – returns the selection’s number of service breaks since the start of the match.

4. We have added an option to cancel any unmatched bets before performing some trigger actions, including “attempt to green up”, “green up”, “distribute loss”, “distribute profit”, “spread loss”, “trade out”. This means, you can tell the trigger to first cancel any bets of the same type as the trigger intends to place, to prevent those bets from being matched together with the new ones and thus creating an unwanted liability.


  • In some tennis matches, the current server was not being identified correctly.
  • If you were using a Dropbox link in the condition with either “is in file” or “is not in file” comparison operator, the contents of the file at that link could be read incorrectly resulting in this condition not being met.
  • If the name of a market and/or selection contained an apostrophe (‘), this name was not correctly written into a file using the market_name or sel_name variables (it would be stripped of spaces).
  • In Asian Handicap real bets on negative non-integer handicaps were rejected by BetFair.

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