Author Topic: Back progressibe help  (Read 3865 times)

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Back progressibe help
« on: 06 Dec 2010, 11:25 »

I am new to this and need a trigger that does a back progressive system:

I want to have a set target of say 2% of bank for each cycle. I want to back favs for a place and then recover any loss + win the target on next race - with it stopping after 4 losses. Any help please would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Back progressibe help
« Reply #1 on: 06 Dec 2010, 18:45 »
Hi there,
The attached trigger file should do it.
Just to clarify...
The attached trigger will wait until the scheduled start of the race, [minutes to the off < 0];
check whether the total won as recorded in the account statement is < 2% of the starting bank balance;
check whether you've had 4 consecutive losses;
and if all conditions are met...
back the favorite in the PLACE market at the best offered price with an amount designed to win all you've lost up to that point + the 2% of the bank days target.

1. There's no guarantee your bet will be matched.
2. You're effectively increasing your bets after a loss. If you have the 4 losses in a row, (at which point there will be no more bets allowed), the amount lost could be substantial!

As usual, run it in Test Mode first!

Hope that helps...

If you lose...don't lose the lesson!


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE