Author Topic: I am willing to pay a trigger developer for this  (Read 2411 times)

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I am willing to pay a trigger developer to create the following trigger for me:
Please email me at newbielink:mailto:[email protected] [nonactive] if you are interested.
The trigger condition should be something like this:

AND selection’s total matched volume in the last 1 min as a percentage of its total matched volume in the previous min is....

(i.e. So if £2000 was traded (matched) on a selection between 13:54 and 13:55 and £2500 traded (matched) on the same selection between 13:55 and 13:56 then the percentage would be 25% ... 2500 divide by 2000 x 100 = 25%

If such a trigger condition is already possible by changing the settings then Mcbee, Tim Vetrov, Oxa or anyone else please tell me how to do it so that you can save me money.


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Re: I am willing to pay a trigger developer for this
« Reply #1 on: 10 May 2011, 14:09 »
you could try recording the volume at say 5 mins to the off, then at 4 mins to the off and comparing them with user variables ?

Rich :)


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