  • #1 by Daniel Górka on 06 Nov 2017
  • Hi,

    I am looking for a developer who can design for me a trigger recording information from tennis markets

    For each tennis game trigger should record information about Bet % and Money % on each selection. Data should be recorded from the moment when every tennis market (match odds)  is opened till the moment when market is in-play

    See an example below (it's for NFL but same rules apply)

    So, assuming there are two tennis players, A and B and there were five bets matched (with total amount of 200 eur)

    Player A at 1.98 (20 euro)
    Player A at 1.97 (30 euro)
    Player A at 1.97 (40 eur)
    Player A at 1.96 (10 eur)
    Player B at 2.02 (100 eur)

    trigger should display (for example in Excel) following values:

    Bet % (with exact number of bets in the brackets)
    Player A: 80% (4/5)
    Player B: 20% (1/5)

    Money % (with exact amount of matched money in the brackets)
    Player A: 50% (100/200)
    Player B: 50% (100/200)

    Is this kind of markets monitoring possible to create in Market Feeder?
