Author Topic: Remember Trigger  (Read 2819 times)

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Remember Trigger
« on: 24 May 2010, 12:22 »
I think I posted the message below in the wrong area.
Do hope someone can assist.
I learnt a lot by reading the manual & testing things but I reckon my poor brain is scrambled now & I can't figure out how to write this.
Many thanks.


Hi everyone,
do hope someone can help.

I have been running a trigger for a little while.
Repeating trading block on favourite.
I have a remember trigger set at a specific time to remember the favourite.
I then have a back trigger that compares prices etc using the remember & then a lay trade out trigger.
So far so good!

What I now want to do is to add in another condition.
I only want the back trigger to back based on the second favourite's variables.

So I sat down & tried to write it.  I have failed.
My questions:
If I change my Remember trigger to remember the favourite and the second favourite, I can then apparently refer to both the fav and 2Fav at that point in time as 'name of remember trigger'_(index) .  The max number for the index would be 2.  How does the index number work. Does 'name of remember trigger_1 mean the favourite at that point?

I then want to compare the price of the 2Fav from the remember trigger with the price of the same selection at a later time.
How do I make sure that I am referring to the same horse now as the position of the horse may have changed and may not be 2Fav now.

Any help would be very gratefully received.
Many thanks.

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  • Posts: 47
Re: Remember Trigger
« Reply #1 on: 04 Jun 2010, 10:10 »

there is a selection variable which ID's the selection in the Betfair Database , sel_ID , perhaps you could use that in your trigger?

Rich :)


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