Author Topic: This strategy work good, I need programmer to create triggers.  (Read 2884 times)

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  • Posts: 5
Dear experts,

Hello, I'm a newbie in sport trading, but I found some good idea to implemented the triggres. I have excel strategy for soccer, I tested my self with manual excel calculation and got some profit from 5 games, here the file attached, (using only green tabs and yellow tabs).
Strategy :

MODERATED: Due to the breach of copyright the description of the strategy and the attached file were deleted from the topic. You may however discuss the details using private messages.

I will very glad if someone here interested then create the triggers for us.
Welcome for any idea. Thanks.


  • Élite
  • Posts: 81
  • Gender: Male
Should be able to make that into a trigger, I’ve made a start on it but a long way to go yet, no idea if I can build all of it.

You say this made a profit in five games, have you back tested this on more games at all? Also what games were they?


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