Author Topic: Erro MarketFeeder  (Read 18301 times)

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #15 on: 28 Mar 2013, 20:52 »
If you subscribed or took the trial of a Portuguese version, you must download and install the Portuguese version.

If you did that with the English version and downloaded the Portuguese file or vice versa, you will see this error.
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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #16 on: 28 Mar 2013, 21:00 »
Hi Oxa
for info this happened to me a week ago:

Pro is installed
Download and install Lite on same machine (I did this to answer a query on the forum)
Start Lite - get Invalid vendor software ID;current betfair status online
Start Pro -get Invalid vendor software ID;current betfair status online
Uninstall Lite
Pro works OK
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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #17 on: 28 Mar 2013, 21:05 »
Hi Oxa
for info this happened to me a week ago:

Pro is installed
Download and install Lite on same machine (I did this to answer a query on the forum)
Start Lite - get Invalid vendor software ID;current betfair status online
Start Pro -get Invalid vendor software ID;current betfair status online
Uninstall Lite
Pro works OK

Thanks MarkV, unfortunately we did not expect someone to use both Lite and Pro at the same time, so didn't provide for this type of situation.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #18 on: 28 Mar 2013, 21:30 »

recebi este mail e fiz download no link abaixo.
o que está mal?

Assunto: MarketFeeder Pro teste
De: MarketFeeder Pro departamento de suporte
Data: 26/03/2013 (22:35:09 WET)
Para: [email protected]
Histórico da Mensagem

"Olá Carlos

 Obrigado por testar o MarketFeeder Pro!
 A licença de teste está associada ao seu nome de usuário da BetFair ('Dragonteam'). Será válida até 24/04/2013.

 Após essa data (ou a qualquer altura que pretenda) poderá iniciar a sua subscrição.

 A última versão do MarketFeeder Pro poderá ser descarregada aqui:"

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #19 on: 28 Mar 2013, 22:08 »
Viva Carlos

Não tinhas ja instalada nenhuma versão mesmo que mais antiga do market feeder??

Por exemplo a versao lite

Se tinhas o melhor é desinstalares as duas e colocares a pt de novo

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #20 on: 28 Mar 2013, 22:12 »
não tinha instalado nenhuma.
mas se for preciso desinstalo e volto a instalar através desse link.o registo foi em PT,não foi?

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #21 on: 28 Mar 2013, 22:17 »
Olha quando te registaste foi na pagina portuguesa ou na inglesa?

Experimenta desistalar e instala de novo com a versão PT na mesma se por acaso nao der experimenta com a UK.

è um caso comum este erro mas é sempre por haver ou estarem a instalar versoes erradas.

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #22 on: 28 Mar 2013, 22:47 »
já desinstalei a versão portuguesa e instalei a inglesa e o resultado é o mesmo.
onde se introduz o login no marketfeeder?

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #23 on: 29 Mar 2013, 10:43 »
dragonteam, you entered your BetFair username incorrectly when you were registering for the trial. The username is case sensitive, so it should have started with the lowercase letter.

I have corrected your trial licence, you can try again now (Portuguese version).
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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #24 on: 29 Mar 2013, 21:16 »
continuo a não conseguir entrar. instalei o programa através do link que enviaram por mail que foi parar á página "experimente e compre"onde fiz download do marketfeeder pro versão

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #25 on: 29 Mar 2013, 21:26 »
Do you enter your BetFair username in all lowercase letters?
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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #26 on: 29 Mar 2013, 21:34 »
my username betfair is : Dragonteam67

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #27 on: 29 Mar 2013, 21:36 »
Then why did you register a different username for the trial???
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #28 on: 29 Mar 2013, 21:39 »

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Re: Erro MarketFeeder
« Reply #29 on: 29 Mar 2013, 21:40 »
Then re-register and enjoy the program.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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