Author Topic: Software ou linguagem para desenvolver trigger ?  (Read 1659 times)

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Vi nesse topico que o cara falou que desenvolve os trigger de forma externa, seria possivel?

Ele fala sobre isso aqui

"Why you must choose  myself and not other person¿? First of all i want to say thank you to MarkV, Oxa, Mcbee and some more  for all the help that they have give me. I also will need his help now and the help of the forum for some question, i dont know everything. IF you want a simple trigger you can choose whatever you prefer its good , but  my trigger are  for that persons or for persons that want something very very much complicated. For example here the triggers size are 100kb more or less, the own i have in real  are 6MB of size for greyhound, about 50.000 lines of code, other about 20.000 lines or code for be able to bet in every point of tennis  and other  its small, thats its the only i was able to do it with the software,  and its for soccer(unders-overs) and for  be able to following a tipters horse. ... The two first triggers are  impossible  to doing in the editor with marketfeeder(too big)  but i was able to doing outside with a reader and then putting all in a trigger.  But anyway thats its the same if the idea its good then its the same how many conditions has something or how big the size its,,, , the thing its the trigger win money or not win money thats it the question"

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Re: Software ou linguagem para desenvolver trigger ?
« Reply #1 on: 11 Sep 2018, 09:35 »
Sinceramente não sei se será possivel, mas faço duas perguntas 

Que garantias se tem de qualidade e segurancsdo nosso dinheiro, quando alguém mexe e faz um trigger fora dos controles de segurança que o próprio programa de desenvolvimento nos oferrce??

Porque necessitamos de um trigger de 60 000 linhas de código??
Quantidade de linhas de codicó esinonimo de eficácia e rentabilidade??


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Desenvolvedor de triggers oficial Market Feeder pro

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Re: Software ou linguagem para desenvolver trigger ?
« Reply #2 on: 11 Sep 2018, 12:31 »
Foi o que eu pensei, apenas fiquei curioso mesmo, também não sei pq ele faria 60000 linhas de codigo, deve ser pra trabalhar com bots no planeta marte.

Obrigado pela resposta PCAL

Aguardando ansiosamente pelo curso ;)


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