  • #1 by RyanWolf on 30 Jan 2021
  • Anyone experienced such error recently or its just me? From time to time when I try to place a bet, get an error saying cannot be placed, trying again and its fine. A bit annoying, can live with that but Im just curious if anyone else experiencing this issue.
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 02 Mar 2021
  • Hello!

    Check what exactly the error message is saying. If it cannot place a bet because the market is suspended, then make sure you don't attempt to bet when that is the case.
    If you are placing a bet below the minimum, either avoid such bets or increase the base price for small lay bets in Betting Options.
    There could be other reasons, but they should be explained in the error message returned by BetFair.