  • #1 by Conrad on 08 Mar 2012
  • Hi all,
            I am new to MarketFeeder, but so far i am very happy with the program (i have been using another program for about the last 2 years). However it is completely different from what i have been used to before, so i just need some simple advice.
    Firstly, when i am putting triggers into an in-play horse racing market, should i have one trigger block containing 3 triggers, or have 3 trigger blocks with one trigger in each block? I am not sure what the difference would be either way round. Secondly, what does the "overall" box mean and do that appears when you set a trigger condition regarding a previous trigger?
    Thanks for any help,
  • #2 by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 08 Mar 2012
  • Enclosing triggers into block is for your convenience and for "cycles" (when you need some actions to be repeated but in block, for example place bet, greenup, wait for all matched and then repeat from the start). Without "close block" "blocking" triggers  has no sense.
    When a block is repeated (with "close block" action) the "executed" flag is reset to "not executed" in current cycle. If you need to check if the trigger has been executed before you need "overall".