Author Topic: Confirm few back or lay bets at the same time. Is it possible with Marketfeeder?  (Read 4298 times)

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  • Posts: 7

I didn't know where to ask this question, but I think this place is correct. Is this possible to work with Marketfeeder in this way:

We have in play tennis match, and the price is around 1,65 for example. Can I set few back bets for example: 1,63 1,6 1,58, and lay bets at 1,69 1,74, 1,79 at this time but I don't want them to be matched now. I would like to lock the stakes on the ladder, then I would like to confirm those bets manually. For example with keybort shortcut or something. 

Is it doable?

best regards 

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
no , because betfair will always match at the best price and that will be 1.65 .
the only way is with a trigger to place the bets at certain prices as they arrive .
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  • Posts: 7

yes I know that the price will be matched at 1.65 even if I back at 1.63. But I would like to place stakes on that price even when the actually price is 1.65. I just want to place money, but do not confirm this bet (so it won't be matched at 1.65 at the moment) I would like to confirm this back manually. In geeks toy I can set for example lay at 1.7 when the price is 1.6. If confirm bet option is turned On the bat is not matched untill I confirm this manually by pressing button. The problem is that I can only place one back/one lay bet at the same time. What I would like to achieve is to have ability to place few back and lays bet at the same time, and confirm back or lay bets manually when I want them to be places.

Sorry for missunderstanding, I cannot explain it better because of my english.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
if you manually create/add bets at whatever price , then mfp will wait , IF . 
if you TICK mfp , General Options to  Request confirmation for every critical operation .
mfp will only send the bet if you select    Yes

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  • Posts: 7
Ok, it's more clear now. Can we assign keyboard button to confirm bet on mfp?

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
not sure , but the auto message is set to YES , so you could use the enter button
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  • Posts: 7
Hmm, ok. But what if I set lay bets and back bets? mfp will confirm all bets? I would like to place lay AND back but confirm lay OR back bets. 


  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
mfp will ask you to confirm  yes  or  no  to each critical action , so back or lay whatever , you will have to confirm  yes  or  no
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 7
Ok, we have price 1,7 at certain moment.

I'm placing back bet at 1,65 and lay bet at 1,78 for example. mfp will ask me to confirm them, but I would like to confirm only lay bets. I click yes and ALL bets will be confirmed? For example I click yes, and back bet is confirm at 1,65 and lay bet at 1,78 at the same time? That would be pointless I think :) 

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
then you can only do it with a trigger for back and lay and the critical bets ticked.
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 7
I'll test it I hope that's the solution. Thanks a lot


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