Author Topic: New matching algorithm in many markets ( tennis, soccer )  (Read 5311 times)

  • Élite
  • Posts: 167
Some weeks ago, betfair introduced a new mathing algorithm and a new view of umatched amounts on their website. Unfortunately API has still the old view and there is a difference in display of markets in API and website.

To keep things simple, i focus on unmatched back bets, is the same with unmatched lay bets.

In tennis, a unmatched back bet with
stake s
at the odd of o

is visible as a unmatched lay bet with 

stake s * o / (  1 / ( 1 - 1 / o ) )   
at the odd of  1 / ( 1 - 1 / o )

for the other selection. ( There is a rounding issue, too. )

Matching algorithm matches a new lay bet either with a back bet or a lay bet on other selection.

The new matching algorithm has serious impact for me because

- since introduction of new matching algorithm there was not Book % for Autodutching all selections.

- sometimes best back and best lay you see in the API is not same as on betfair website. If you enter unmatched bets at best price visible in API to get matched soon, the bet is placed at second or third best or even worse on website.

I am not sure how to deal with this problem. Currently i do not enter any bet, if there is a gap between best back and best lay.

How did you deal with the new matching algorithm?

Any idea how to calculate  1 / ( 1 - 1 / o )  in a trigger including rounding to actual odd level?


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE