  • #16 by mcbee on 14 Oct 2010
  • hi
    yes, you would have to use the last_pl amount to add to your stake.
    so stake+IF(last_pl<0,-last_pl,0).
    you need the - in front of the last_pl because the last pl will be minuse if you lose so you need to make it a possitive to add to the stake.
    if you use last_lost, this will be total loss since the last win so you would be recovering all losses again and again etc.

  • #17 by cartex on 14 Oct 2010
  • hi again,


    so how can I make it work if I i'm recovering a previous loss and now have had two losses in a row?

    Because in this case now the bot will ignore one if those two losses?

    btw, if I use the above function won't the got do a double recovery, try to recover the old loss if there haven't been any other losses or profits between the recovery bet and the new bet?

    Any solutions for this?

    sorry about this, just trying to make things foolproof

  • #18 by mcbee on 14 Oct 2010
  • hi
    the last_lost function is a total loss since the last win.
    the last_pl is the last single loss/win not total loss/won.
    so by using the last_pl you only recovery the last single loss.

  • #19 by Harrison on 23 Nov 2010
  • thank you for the information on setting bets again .
    i did not know that .
  • #20 by peleus on 01 Dec 2013
  • I was able to get this to work. Apparently, the newest version is the easiest one to use out there.