Author Topic: Making a success of it  (Read 3561 times)

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Making a success of it
« on: 21 Dec 2015, 06:02 »
Hi All

Since I have been trying to conquer or at least make headway in the automated betting world for a number of years now ,including paying money to have bespoke betting applications & bots developed (hard lessons there☺) ,and still have a sore forehead,  I thought I would  ask a question or 2 -perhaps even to  seek inspiration. I am aware that pro gamblers do make a living doing this ,albeit a small club membership, but after seeing yet another trigger be profitable for a few weeks and fail suddenly and spectacularly  :o, I thought I would seek you knowledgeable folk out re a couple of questions and general observations . Apologies if some of these types of questions have already been asked.My search kung fu may not be that strong.☺
1. Are there people here(willing to comment) still making a living or  comfortable 2nd income using Betfair and specificallly using MF pro?
2.With the game increasingly stacked against us in terms of premium and other commissions/charges, lack of  competition  (I am based in Oz where Betdaq doesn't seem to be making a return to anytime soon,for example)etc.. is there a future in betting exchanges?I realise this is only a matter of opinion.
3.I am usually seeking value through numbers i.e. calculating perceived value in changing metrics, but am wondering if that is even possible now and whether pre off form needs to factor in to all punting strategies? Opinions welcome
4. Is automated(swing ,scalp etc) trading still viable or is this too hard in the current technological age where we could be competing against rooms of coders and possibly even AI.Is punting generally considered more viable now?
These are some of my thoughts & questions after many months with MF Pro (still the best software I have found) and a few years of trying. I intend to keep trying but thought this type of discussion may help spur me and others on..perhaps even in a better direction.This is one tough chellenge on what appears to be a very  uneven playing field.Comment gratefully received. Cheers

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Re: Making a success of it
« Reply #1 on: 23 Dec 2015, 17:29 »

4. Is automated(swing ,scalp etc) trading still viable or is this too hard in the current technological age where we could be competing against rooms of coders and possibly even AI.Is punting generally considered more viable now?

some reflections from me!

I think one effects, from AI operating on the market is that it will give rise to oscillations in the value. (Ofcourse variation in observed value, will also be due to stockastic effects.). Which you might benefit from?

How good models you have and how much time you want to invest affect your profit, i can make much more profit (or value) using ordinary bookies, but I need to inverst much more time for finding value using bookies.

Right now I dont have so much time, and I am glad to find value of 5 % at betfair, which is the minimum value-level for me to make a "deterministic" profit due to commision ( I have a commision of 6 - 7%).

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Re: Making a success of it
« Reply #2 on: 05 Jan 2016, 07:26 »
Thanks for the reply tupp. I am still slogging away but part-time.I have similar a commission rate.5% would be great.Recently ran system after 4 months of back testing and things seemed to be going well for 2-3 weeks,but December caned me.Whether that was a change during the Aussie vacation period, I am not sure but the bath was thorough :) 'Will keep plodding.Thanks again


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