Author Topic: Newbie - where to start  (Read 28410 times)

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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #15 on: 09 Mar 2014, 09:41 »
Hi Mark,

I'm afraid I've had a few problems and I wondered if you could lend me your help again please.

I loaded the trigger successfully and I thought I loaded the data correctly.  In total there were 198 selections, 34 possible markets and 726 imported values.

I set this to run but when I returned half way through the day no bets had been laid (in test mode).  I then realised that it wasn't on automatic operation in general settings (Repeat confirmation for every critical operation box was checked). 

However, once this was unchecked it still had problems.

No bets were laid when the Place condition was met (error message - Inappropriate state of market (idle) message.  (do I need to load the place bet into My Market?)

It did run one bet (based on the win BSP range) but only 2.5% not 5% of starting pot was placed.  Also, although the selection won, the amount was deducted from the post not added (they may have been my interaction with the system as I couldn't seem to clear the screen.

As I had several ranges to cover the txt file was in this format:

Abbey Lane 3.7    4.19  1.45  1.57
Abbey Lane 5.71  6.56  2.08  2.33
Abbey Lane                  2.45  2.58

This was repeated for all the selections in a Tab delimited txt file.

If you need any more info from me, please let me know but I would be really grateful if you can help please.



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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #16 on: 09 Mar 2014, 10:36 »
I think it is better to make yourself a test file with say 10 or so selections. Use this for testing until you are happy with the way it works. Then you can add all your selections in the working format.

I am not sure what happens if you import the same selection data more than once. I imagine it may take the last one that was imported. As you have just mentioned, you have several ranges per selection. In the text file it would be better to have one selection with all the data relating to that selection on one line.
Code: [Select]
selection name WRL WRH PR1L PR1H PR2L PR2H----->etc..

Wind Fire 2.82 3.20 1.40 1.50 1.80 1.90
Princess Noor 1.80 1.90 1.24 1.80
Fig Roll 6.50 7.50 2.24 2.30
Loving Spirit 4.00 5.80

Here I have put a header on the first line:
WRL=win range low
PR1L=place range1 low
PR1H=place range1 high

Please can you provide a sample text file containing the ranges you want (with similar description in the first line so I know what is what) and I will write the conditions.

I think I may be misunderstanding, please could you also confirm exactly the procedure you want for the bets:
At inplay if BSP is between PR1L and PR1H OR between PR2L and PR2H, back selection in Win market for 5% of uk funds

any variation to the above, please describe it.

It should not be a complicated trigger to make, but I need to understand exactly how you want it to work. Cheers.
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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #17 on: 09 Mar 2014, 13:43 »
Thanks Mark,

Does the test file of 10 selections have to be live races for that day?

Please find attached a sample test file of what is required.  At the moment I only want to back in the win markets but that might change and I would back in the place market (or a variation of both).  So it is good to have the choice as per the previous trigger

So the bet is something like this:

At Inplay, if BSP is between WR1L and WR1H or WR2L and WR2L or PR1L and PR1H or PR2L and PR2L (Number of variables will change over time) back selection in Win Market for 5% of UK funds.

I am a bit concerned about the lag between the BSP being set and the selection backed as this could affect the performance of the system but for now, I'll see how it pans out.
In any event, I assume the bet will be placed quickly and hopefully the market wouldn't have fallen that much if at all.

Hopefully, you've understood my ramblings a little more this time but once again, thank you for your help.



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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #18 on: 09 Mar 2014, 14:08 »
Thanks for the files. It is just an example so I know what you are after. I will make the conditions and will post an updated trigger file later today or tomorrow.

Given that you might need to change the number of variables at some stage, it might be an idea if you understood the conditions and variables for imported selections so you can do this yourself. Please read the manual section:
Auto-trading > Import selections for auto-trading > Importing numeric and text values
and also the section on Variables referring to imported values.

Briefly what we have at the moment is:

Text file format:
selection name<tab>imported_1<tab>imported_2<tab>imported_3<tab>imported_4
selections actual starting price is between imported_1 and imported_2

this will check actual starting price is between the first and second numeric values on the selection line.

These conditions will become a little more complex with the next trigger update, so if you can understand how they work that will be useful.
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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #19 on: 09 Mar 2014, 18:46 »
Hi Mark,

Thank you.  Yes, I do understand the principles. 

I shall read up on the manual as you suggest.

I look forward to the update and, once again, sorry if I haven't explained everything first time.


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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #20 on: 09 Mar 2014, 20:20 »
Please find attached the amended trigger file. It will bet the selection in the Win market according to your spec above. i.e.:
If selections Win market actual SP is between either of the 2 Win ranges
If selections Place market actual SP is between either of the 2 Place ranges

I have also included an option for betting in the Place market (disabled trigger)

I have also attached the text file showing the format required.
For now I have removed the conditions that check if the previous market is settled, so you can test it without interruption.
I have corrected the back amount to 5% of UK funds

I mentioned a test text file containing around 10 selections. Your text file should of course contain selection data for the markets you will be testing in. I don't know if you have Time Machine, but testing a trigger like this is much easier using TM. When you are happy the basic framework of the trigger is working OK, you can then add your long list of selections.

Example settings I think would be right for this trigger:
Start monitoring markets at 1 minute before the off
Idle refresh rate 1 second
Inplay refresh rate 0.3 seconds
Do not delete finished or settled markets (required for previous market is settled condition to be added when you think this one is working correctly)

Please use test mode or Time Machine to test the trigger.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #21 on: 09 Mar 2014, 22:16 »
Thanks Mike,

I think I have TM available but I'm not too sure how to use it - but I'll learn :-\

Indeed, it's all a bit of a learning curve but I'm getting there.  Will test the trigger and get back to you with an update but once again, thank you.



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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #22 on: 10 Mar 2014, 07:35 »
Hi Mark,

Something has just occurred to me.  I need to have these bets running concurrently.

What I mean by that is if, on a single bet, the conditions in the Win market and Place market is positive then both bets should be placed.

If it is possible to run two triggers at the same time drawing (and adding) to the same account then this should overcome that problem.

What do you think?



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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #23 on: 10 Mar 2014, 16:06 »
Yes you can run both triggers at the same time. Just tick the enabled box on the disabled trigger, save the trigger file and reload it.
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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #24 on: 10 Mar 2014, 22:25 »
Hi Mark,

That didn't go too well I'm afraid.

Played with The Time Machine but it kept placing bets on all the horses.  I'm not sure I've got the format right.

Also, when I say having bets running concurrently I don't mean one in the win market and one in the place market.  I mean the first bet because the condition for the win market was matched and the second bet because the condition for the place market was matched (although the bet is still to win.

Can I run those two bets concurrently?

Thanks  once again.



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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #25 on: 11 Mar 2014, 21:32 »
Please could you let me know the name of a purchased horse racing market you have for Time Machine. I will get the same market and will set up the text file and trigger so we can both test on the same market.

Regarding your question about running the two bets concurrently, I'm again sorry if I am misunderstanding what you want to do. Does this describe what you are after:

If the Win BSP is within any specified Win range in the text file, OR the Place BSP is within any specified place range in the text file, then bet once in the Win market (one bet on the selection overall).

or is it this:

If the Win BSP is within any specified Win range in the text file, then bet once in the Win market. AND if the Place BSP is within any specified place range in the text file, then bet once in the Win market (possible two bets on the selection overall).
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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #26 on: 12 Mar 2014, 16:24 »
Hi Mark,

Second question first: 

the condition:

If the Win BSP is within any specified Win range in the text file, then bet once in the Win market. AND if the Place BSP is within any specified place range in the text file, then bet once in the Win market (possible two bets on the selection overall).

Is correct!

As far as Time Machine is concerned, i used the free data that can be down loaded.  In truth, my knowledge of Time Machine is limited and I didn't want to waste money not knowing how to use it.  Albeit even if it was only a few quid!



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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #27 on: 12 Mar 2014, 20:48 »
Please find attached a new version which works according to your last spec.
I have included a screenshot:
First selection has a Win SP that is within the first Win range in the file - qualifies for first bet on selection in win market
First selection has a Place SP that is within the first Place range in the file - qualifies for second bet on the selection in win market
Second selection has a Place SP that is within the second Place range in the file - qualifies for first bet on the selection in win market

Please use test mode to try it.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #28 on: 12 Mar 2014, 21:20 »
Thx Mark,

That looks about right.  I will test it in test mode as well as with live data tomorrow.



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Re: Newbie - where to start
« Reply #29 on: 13 Mar 2014, 19:40 »
Hi Mark,

Not good news I'm afraid.  I don't really know which system the trigger was following but it wasn't mine!

I attach the txt file I uploaded just in case I made an error with it.

Would you be kind enough and have another look at the trigger please to try and see why it is misbehaving!

Can you review my logs?




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