  • #1 by propedees on 13 Apr 2014
  • All,

    I am a newbie. I am starting to write triggers but have a general question about rank order. When I am viewing a horse race is there a way to maintain the rank order as the race progresses?  For instance where the number 1 ranked slot remains at the top of the screen and so forth as the race continues. I know how to set the rank order with the menu but obviously the ranking becomes mixed very quickly. Is this possible?


  • #2 by MarkV on 13 Apr 2014
  • Hi and welcome.
    The rank order of the selections on the screen cannot change dynamically as you describe, however as you have probably seen the selections rank is shown dynamically next to the selections name.  In Race Mode there is a visual view of rank, but in all modes the order of selections on the screen is fixed from either the sorting settings in General Options, or the sort button on the main screen.

    In triggers you can sort selections by rank order at any time by using the condition:
    selections sorting order is defined by rank