Author Topic: Setting selection condition regarding number of different offers  (Read 3839 times)

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  • Posts: 94
Is it possible to set selection condition to check if there is at least on 3 different prices some amounts offered on lay or back side?
Example Selection 1 - number of offered amounts on different  odds on lay side is 3 or more.
So there must be at least on 3 different odds money placed on lay side by someone.

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  • Posts: 94
Anyone? If you don't understand clear you can see attachment. On selections 1 and 6 there are offers on three different prices on lay side. Selection 1 to have 3 or more offers on lay side. How to set that as condition?

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Back side (condition block):
   selections trigger expression back_amount is greater than 0
   and selections trigger expression back_amount2 is greater than 0
   and selections trigger expression back_amount3 is greater than 0

Lay side (condition block):
   selections trigger expression lay_amount is greater than 0
   and selections trigger expression lay_amount2 is greater than 0
   and selections trigger expression lay_amount3 is greater than 0
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  • Posts: 94
Yes, this looks like a solution. Thanks Mark, you are very helpful.


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