Author Topic: Repeat Scalping / Trading  (Read 3842 times)

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Repeat Scalping / Trading
« on: 13 Aug 2014, 20:49 »

Is there a reason why the following seems impossible ?

- Back, GreenUp or Distribute Loss per selection.
- Lay, GreenUp or Distribute Loss per selection.

There should be no pre-conditions to either the initial Back or Lay but purely what a user decides to-do first.

I am asking because I asked for such a trigger to be made, paid for it and it fails.

It shouldn't matter if i lose my internet connection or the Betfair servers go down. When everything comes back on-line then the trigger block should start from the beginning and the first trigger should double check a selection to ALWAYS workout what to-do next.

Such a thing too difficult in the 21st century ?

If we decide by a coin toss to back first then the only combination allowed is B, L, B, L, B, L, B, L per selection etc.

If we decide by a coin toss to lay first then the only combination allowed is L, B, L, B, L, B, L, B per selection etc.

Any help would be appreciated or should i just pay $0000 for a customfit api to be built etc ?

  • Élite
  • Posts: 431
Re: Repeat Scalping / Trading
« Reply #1 on: 16 Aug 2014, 09:45 »
Sounds simple enough - what is the problem?


  • All members
  • Posts: 80
Re: Repeat Scalping / Trading
« Reply #2 on: 17 Aug 2014, 16:29 »
- Back, GreenUp or Distribute Loss per selection.

By the way, do you get an error when doing that?
Automatic isn't always everything.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE