  • #1 by liltbrockie on 01 Jun 2015
  • Spread loss / Distribute loss

    Can someone explain the difference please?

    In the context of horse racing and I have a lay bet but it looks like the horse is going to win which do I want to pick?
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 01 Jun 2015
  • The "Spread Loss" operation eliminates the loss on your horse completely by backing it to cover its liability. Needless to say, all other horses will get a huge red figure, especially if your horse is an obvious favourite.

    The "Distribute the loss" operation equalises the loss on all selections by greening them down (or redding them up), in other words, by hedging.

    Which one to pick depends on the level of risk you are prepared to take.