Author Topic: stop loss function not working  (Read 4896 times)

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stop loss function not working
« on: 22 Aug 2012, 20:50 »

was trading manually from the interface this afternoon and found that the stop loss did not activate at green function was on and sure everything was ticked in no clue what was wrong really...thoughts please!


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Re: stop loss function not working
« Reply #1 on: 22 Aug 2012, 21:52 »
Check the program log for any error messages.
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Re: stop loss function not working
« Reply #2 on: 22 Aug 2012, 22:16 »
You have almost certainly fallen foul of the "Stop Loss Syndrome". The truth is that stop losses are fine in theory but nearly always total crap in practice. MFP would have placed the bet for sure but getting that bet matched is an altogether different matter. I would imagine that the market moved very quickly and raced by your stop loss price. It happens in every trading software under the sun.

Stop losses rarely work and are usually tools which guarantee losses. Trading is an activity which takes place in real time. It has no pity.

I hate the word "crap" but others seem to like it and it is effective at conveying my contempt for stop losses in general.

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Re: stop loss function not working
« Reply #3 on: 22 Aug 2012, 22:48 »
Checked the program log and nothing there..You might just be right Nigel..


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