Author Topic: Successful Strategies  (Read 22979 times)

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #30 on: 20 Jun 2019, 22:07 »
I am testing a trigger, that place value bets.

Right now ROI=14.4% after 108 bets has the bank more than doubled.
I dont want to put you off but you need to realize that 100 bets is nothing. You would need 2k bets to be quite sure. And I assure you there are no "systems" or triggers available elsewhere to make any money. If there would be any triggers you would experience massive odds slash that would wipe out any edge if exists. I'm sorry but no one who ever got any edge on BF would share. Trust me, I've got an edge on BF and I assure you even one person betting same way as me and Im done cause we would be fighting getting better odds. So yes, you may quit looking for any "systems" available cause they can't simply make you any money.

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #31 on: 20 Jun 2019, 22:14 »
Rayan Wolf, I agree my sample size is small.
I don't think anyone in this thread have been exposing ther model or exactly strategy.

Every succsess can encourage others to keep up, how wel are you doing(ROI) and for how long has your strategie worked?

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #32 on: 21 Jun 2019, 07:16 »
i would also question how the ROI is being calculated.
a 14% ROI is unheard of long term on BF

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #33 on: 21 Jun 2019, 08:15 »
i would also question how the ROI is being calculated.
a 14% ROI is unheard of long term on BF
100%*[net profit]/[total bet amount]

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #34 on: 21 Jun 2019, 08:44 »
i would also question how the ROI is being calculated.
a 14% ROI is unheard of long term on BF
By the way I don't claim that a result after 108 bets is to be called "long term". In genereal an ROI of 14% in sport betting, where you cherry pick odds, is not unusual. If you do "trading" befor a game starts your profits come from the variance (fluctuation in price) which would proboly give you an maximum ROI<1%

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #35 on: 21 Jun 2019, 09:22 »
What results can a punter achieve? 

By looking at statistics from, we can see that approximarly 10% out of 1500 punters achieved an ROI>10%. When using the criteria of >400 predictions.

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #36 on: 22 Jun 2019, 14:01 »
Value and Return on Investment

Value and ROI (Return On Investment) are very closed related and sometimes meaning the same thing.

Assume we have a model that can calculate the true odds (sometimes referred to fair odds), if the model says that the true odds is 2.00 and bookie gives us the odds of 2.20 - this would be a value bet! The ratio between the bookie odds and the true odds would be the value expressed as an increasing factor i.e 1.10 or if you just what the increase in decimal form 1.10 - 1 = 0.1 or in percentage (%) 0.1*100 % = 10%. So we see that value can be expressed in different forms all with the same meaning.

The return on investment (ROI) is a simple and good measure and could be described as the “value” of your strategy. It is calculated as the ratio between net profit and the total amount invested (sum of all bets). So for example if you make 1000 bets all with the same amount of 3 units and your net profit is 333 units would give you an ROI of 333 / (3 x 1000) = 0.111 = 11.1 %.

Why is the measure of ROI better then just say “I have a strategy that make profit” or “I have an edge trust me” or “I make 3 units a day”. First of all ROI gives the value of you strategy and it shows have efficient it is compared with other strategies, secondly if you know your ROI you can simply calculate you expected profit in units (or in any currency you like) just my multiplying the ROI with your turnover. So by using ROI you can decide how much you will earn if the market have enough liquidity.

[Net profit] = [ROI] x [Turnover]

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #37 on: 22 Jun 2019, 21:13 »
928 bets

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #38 on: 23 Jun 2019, 10:30 »
AndeiS, did you used a strategy containing recopup? 

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #39 on: 24 Jun 2019, 09:30 »
Approx. 200 bets and right now the roi is 5.6%!

If I would have been placed the bets manually I would probably have doubts and would probably start getting tired and maybe quit testing the strategy. Mfp becomes a handy tool for this, never get tiered just keep on going.

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Re: Successful Strategies
« Reply #40 on: 27 Jun 2019, 15:17 »
I will continue the test of the trigger and update it on my blog For those of you who are interested in seeing how it works out, have a look at my blog once in a while or so!My plan is to ran the trigger for at least 1k bets and then evaluate. Right now its a downhill trend, so I am pleased that the mfp can place the bets for me. 


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