Author Topic: Target Profit  (Read 3184 times)

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Target Profit
« on: 18 Jan 2017, 15:49 »
Is it possible to set a target profit for the day so that if you back horse favs you would be looking to make, say, £5 plus any losses accumulated? 

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Re: Target Profit
« Reply #1 on: 18 Jan 2017, 19:21 »
In your backing trigger add the following condition:
global total won/lost amount is less than 5.00
if you use this condition your setting for your account statement must be set correctly to calculate the p/l for the day (not, say, 3 days)

or at the start of the day you could set a user variable, e.g. "bank" with the value: balance
and use a condition in your betting trigger:
selections trigger expression balance is less than bank+5

Optionally you can use a setting to stop all betting when the bank has reached x:
Settings > Betting Options > Banking > stop automated betting when the total bank has reached x
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