Author Topic: Response-Times to Ticket-Responses  (Read 5077 times)

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Response-Times to Ticket-Responses
« on: 30 Apr 2012, 18:48 »
Hi MF Pro Subscribers and Support…

I have two instances of MFP for about 3 and half years now…

In the first 10 months, I sent an email every other day, THE RESPONSE TIMES WERE EXCELLENT…Am sure that 99.97% was answered within 72 hours.

…but NOW, the response times on them are longer than average for such a quality
business like WellDone Software and MFP which Stands Alone…

The reason for this poll is to establish some sort of guidelines to ticket-response times.
Is there a minimum or maximum times to respond.

…and then maybe support will act on this and improve its response times to us the subscribers.

All Opinions Valued.

Paul Gilbert…

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Re: Response-Times to Ticket-Responses
« Reply #1 on: 01 May 2012, 08:04 »
Are you really saying that after 3 years of MFpro use, you are still requiring support?  An email every other day sounds excessive to me, I would rather have spent my time learning and devising trigger strategies, than composing all those emails!

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Re: Response-Times to Ticket-Responses
« Reply #2 on: 01 May 2012, 12:53 »
Hi Rubold…

Thank you for a response…

>Are you really saying that after 3 years of MFpro use, you are still requiring support?

No…Am not saying that…One of my MFP’s is mis-calculating prices and values
so I neeed some sort of support here…Done everything I could think of to
solve this issue on my side…AND NOW NEED SUPPORT.

>An email every other day sounds excessive to me…

How many emails did you send in your first year clever clogs…

If you look at Betfair’s App Directory you will see that MFP has about 40,000 hits
but only 4,000 members …

Why? because the manual could of being composed better.

I find MFP EASY now before it was a lot of effort to understand…

> I would rather have spent my time learning and devising trigger strategies, than composing all those emails!

I know MFP quite well and can create trigger systems very easily and have two
valid systems to go in real money now.

Please vote and I welcome your comments and everyone else to express there opinions and experiences.

…For after all we are all Sports Investors and there’s monies to be made, I know this
from my own personal experience.

Sincere Regards.

Paul Gilbert…

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Re: Response-Times to Ticket-Responses
« Reply #3 on: 02 May 2012, 12:44 »
Hi apples999

Thank you for your experiences...

Am sorry to hear that you are having problems as well...

As some of us (not me) are paid subscribers things should be better...

Am sure all they need to do is refresh/reset your username... this happen to me before...AM SURE...

Chin-up am sure things will get better...

A bit of competition will even the playing field...

All experiences welcome...  




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