Author Topic: 1-click interface / Auto Dutching Settings Improvement  (Read 12519 times)

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  • Posts: 158
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the means of inputting sel indexes is a bit clunky using the Dutching Settings dialog box (requires keyboard entry of selection index numbers.)  This is especially a pain when using it in the football correct score market.

A nice improvement would be to have the ability to click on something in the selection box (the Sel index number itself?) which auto populates the Sel Indexes list in the Dutching settings dialog box.

A further improvement would be to show the "What if" result of those selections when the mouse pointer hovers over the "Place Dutching bets" button,



  • Tim Vetrov
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 4910
  • Gender: Male
There are 2 ways to make it easier:
1. Pre-set the indexes within the program settings.
2. Use Full mode and checkboxes "Active for auto-trading".

Thank you for "What-if" suggestion.
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I'm happy to help Monday - Friday, 08:00-18:00 GMT
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  • All members
  • Posts: 158
  • Gender: Male
Hi Tim,

thanks for the suggestions.

I have already used the default selection settings feature in Settings.  Good if you only plan to bet on the same scores all the time - I don't, it varies with what happens in a game, so it is of limited use.

Full mode isn't something I use because I like to see all the correct score prices on one screen which brief mode gives me.  Whilst I can toggle between the full & brief modes to make use of the Auto-Trading ON checkboxes, the downside for me is that it results in greying out the currently inactive lines and when back in brief mode, I can't see what is happening to the other score line prices!

So an equivalent checkbox in brief mode which doesn't result in the others being greyed out would be on my wish list!




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