Author Topic: being able to set market refresh rate from excel  (Read 4387 times)

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would it be possible to be able to specify the refresh rate for the market from excel

I would like to have certain markets refresh at different rates, but I would know which markets before hand and it wouldn't be at a certain time before the event time

I could easily put something into an excel sheet 

my example would be that I would be refreshing many events at say 300 seconds, and then for certain markets I would like to change the refresh rate to much shorter to allow me to place a bet at the current market prices


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Re: being able to set market refresh rate from excel
« Reply #1 on: 04 Apr 2022, 17:07 »
Yes that is possible.
Let's say the required refresh rate is in Sheet1!A1

The trigger action will be:
set market idle refresh rate to: Rate: cell_Sheet1_A1
and then any conditions you want to add

The program will need to be connected to Excel

Unless you are already linking markets to Excel, I think this method of linking to Excel will be very cumbersome. It would be much easier if you could just specify the conditions for changing refresh rate in a trigger without linking to Excel.

For example:

set market idle refresh rate to: Rate: 2
markets minutes before the off is less than 15
and selections back price is between 2.02 and 5.00
and markets back book percentage is less than 101

and one other tip:
if your markets are refreshing at 300 secs and you want to change refresh rate, it will take up to 300 secs for the change rate trigger to execute. My suggestion is have several change rate triggers in anticipation of your betting refresh rate.
15 mins out change rate to 150
10mins out change rate to 60
getting close to betting time change rate to 1    

Hope this helps
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Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: being able to set market refresh rate from excel
« Reply #3 on: 04 Apr 2022, 17:25 »
Hi Mark V

thanks for the reply 

thank you, its been a few years since I looked at the software. if you can have triggers than can make change based on value within excel then that will do me nicely

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Re: being able to set market refresh rate from excel
« Reply #4 on: 04 Apr 2022, 18:03 »
the race that I want to bet on would be custom ones decided through the day. Im not sure of a way to tell MFP about them as its not a purely mechanical selection

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Re: being able to set market refresh rate from excel
« Reply #5 on: 04 Apr 2022, 18:24 »
the race that I want to bet on would be custom ones decided through the day. Im not sure of a way to tell MFP about them as its not a purely mechanical selection

Ideally a text file. This can contain selection names and values. The text file can be imported automatically at regular intervals.
See the helpfile / manual section on importing selections for auto-trading.
Here is a video
Here is an article
Here are example triggers

If you want a trigger to be developed to your spec you can request a trigger here
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: being able to set market refresh rate from excel
« Reply #6 on: 04 Apr 2022, 18:37 »
ah, thanks again!


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