Author Topic: ROUNDING function  (Read 356607 times)

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ROUNDING function
« on: 30 Sep 2024, 08:35 »
Hello MFPro Developer Team,
In any future update, can we have the Excel ROUND() function added to the other Excel type functions?
E.g. Calculated value x = 5.45832522 and y = 5.44737656 then ROUND(x,2)=5.46 & ROUND(y,2)=5.45
ROUND(x,1)=5.5 & ROUND(y,1)=5.5

This function would make it easier to compare values.
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Re: ROUNDING function
« Reply #1 on: 30 Sep 2024, 20:16 »
In the interim rounding can be done without decimal places

if you not seen them here are a couple of other ideas

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