Author Topic: Trailing Stop Loss and OCO  (Read 2030 times)

  • Élite
  • Posts: 110
Trailing Stop Loss and OCO
« on: 21 Jul 2010, 04:49 »
I would like to have the option of a trailing stop loss and an OCO function to be used within one click betting (on the ladder).

OCO (order cancels order) is a common function used in financial markets where two additional orders are placed together with the entry order.

For example, you place a lay bet at 3.20. Now at the same time you want to place your profit target bet (for example a back bet at 4.00) but also a safety back bet (stop loss) at 2.80. Whenever the profit target bet or the stop loss bet has been matched the other  open unmatched bet will be cancelled automatically.


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