Author Topic: New variable please...  (Read 1814 times)

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New variable please...
« on: 21 Jun 2010, 13:47 »
Hi Oxa et al...
As you're taking suggestions, can I resurrect my request...

While writing...MFPro has maxbp_[minutes] and minbp_[minutes] etc. Can we have a maxlt_[minutes] and minlt_[minutes]? i.e. max/min last traded in the last [minutes].
I find the actual traded price is more indicative of a horses true probability than the back price on offer which can be wishful thinking on the part of the offeror and can be withdrawn without ever being taken/matched.

...which I made some time ago

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  • Posts: 36
Re: New variable please...
« Reply #1 on: 21 Jun 2010, 23:57 »
This is a good suggestion unless the function can be implemented using already existing variables with relative ease. I would use [seconds] instead of [minutes] as the parameter so that it could support in-running operation as well.


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