Author Topic: Excel Integration with Marketfeeder Pro  (Read 5357 times)

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Excel Integration with Marketfeeder Pro
« on: 14 Feb 2010, 08:50 »
Hi All,
Unless I've missed something then whenever you launch Excel (other than for a particular race only) Marketfeeder Pro adds a worksheet for each race in "My Markets" and starts monitoring the race at a tine laid down by the user in "Settings".  This is great if you want to see all the usual data such as back prices for all horses, lay amounts, book % etc. However, it uses a lot of CPU, especially if you want to monitor a market In Play. For a particular trigger of mine all I want to do is have a blank Excel worksheet for each race LINKED to Marketfeeder Pro and write in 5 cells the back prices of the first 5 ranked horses in play at any particular time. I would then like to do some number crunching on the changing prices in play. This would use far less CPU, but I have found no way of linking an Excel sheet to a market without having to download all of the standard Excel information using Marketfeeder Pro's own template. The system in play then becomes so slow that it is unusable or plain hangs.  If I haven't missed some function in the program then I believe that it would be a useful improvement to add a tick box function in the Excel sheet of "Settings" that simply caused a blank worksheet to be added per market BUT NO TEMPLATE DATA. Then you could just add cells to the blank worksheet that downloaded market or selection data that you needed rather than the whole kitchen sink.
Ed Eldergill.

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Re: Excel Integration with Marketfeeder Pro
« Reply #1 on: 15 Feb 2010, 15:01 »
Got to say I agree with you. But are you using the custom cells linked to a blank sheet or to the market sheet?
The way I do it is have my own spreadsheet open before launching excel. Then from custom cells have for example sheet1!A1 for r_1_back_price and sheet1!B1 for r_2_back_price etc etc. This does open a new market sheet for every market but I don’t link to it because I’ve yet to find a way of doing this. So the market sheets are active but all the data is coming from the custom cells list to sheet1, ignoring the market sheet completely. If I untick create new market sheet the custom cells won’t work (at least it didn’t when I last tried), so it does seem a waste of resources.
Is that kind of what your doing or are you adding a cell to each market sheet then running formulas from there?

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Re: Excel Integration with Marketfeeder Pro
« Reply #2 on: 15 Feb 2010, 18:52 »
Thanks Maddox for your post. I hadn't tried your way of trying to get round the problem, but have just tested your method. The good point is that your custom cell is contained in a nice clean worksheet. The down side is that the custom cell value ( say Sheet1!A1  is defined by the user to contain r_1_back_price) is the value of the favourite for the race that is actually on the computer monitor at the time.  I tried the method in the manual which displays a value for all markets being monitored by defining my custom cells in Excel Settings this way: R1 cell would contain say r_1_back_price, R2 cell r_2_back_price etc. This has the advantage that you can go to work and there is one spreadsheet for each race and every time that spreadsheet refreshes the values for r_1_back_price etc. are updated. But as you say, it's an awful waste of resources if you only want to track a few prices in Excel. Thanks again, Maddox. Regards, Ed.


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