  • #1 by londolozi on 11 Apr 2013
  • I run MFPro using a thrid party program called AutoHotKey.

    One critical aspect is it is sensitive to non-normal activity such as Windows Updates.
    I have made all these automatic forced intrusions manually.

    However, I forgot one. MFPro version update.

    On a day when I had 15 straight lay wins ($3-$8) MFPro didn't work. Ouch!
    It cost me a very large winning day.

    Is there anyway we can remove that intrusive message box Yes-No-Don't offer again box.

    I want to be advised of an upgrade but could we be advised in another softer fashion.
    Not sure how I could program the third party software around this issue?

  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 11 Apr 2013
  • londolozi, you can tick "Don't offer again" to never see the update message again in that settings profile.

    I'm sorry, but the way we let a user know that a new version is available is pretty much the same as in lots of other programs.
  • #3 by londolozi on 20 Apr 2013
  • Thanks Oxa. I will make the change you suggest.