Author Topic: Improvements in Auto Dutching  (Read 1820 times)

  • Élite
  • Posts: 167
Improvements in Auto Dutching
« on: 13 Apr 2010, 09:06 »
Please add some wishes regardung Auto Dutching to your list:

1.) Now, when duing Back Dutching an a selection has a Back odd of 1000 (small bets are enabled), the result of a Back Auto Dutch is a matched back bet 2@1000 on all selections which a back odd of 1000.

Wish 1: Is it possible to disable Back Auto Dutching if any selection has ha back Odd of 1000?

2.) Now, when a a selection has no lay odd, Lay Auto Durching does nothing. Only if I limit number of selections for dutching to number of selections with lay odds, durching works.

Wish 2: Is it possible to do Lay Auto Dutching if any selection has no lay odd if Lay Book percent of all remaining selections with odds is siutable? This will result in a big green for all selections with no lay odd.

Wish 3: Different percent settings for Lay and Back Auto Dutching. In some markets I
want to do Lay Auto Dutching with a profit setting of 0,0, especially if wish 2 is
implemented, and Back Auto Dutching only if profit is above a certain level.

But if there are already many Lay Bets done and there is not chance to get profit
on a selection without any lay odder, I would prefer Back Dutching at profit
setting 0,0 and Lay Dutching at a certain level.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 167
Re: Improvements in Auto Dutching
« Reply #1 on: 05 May 2010, 19:37 »
Oxa, please remove this from wish list. I wrote a trigger for advanced auto dutching. The only disadvantage of a trigger in comparision to Auto Dutching is the repeat limit of at least 1 second between each trigger execution.


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