  • #1 by liltbrockie on 15 Nov 2018
  • Pretty sure this will be a technical nightmare to implement but I will put it out there anyway....

    Time machine... If I am testing a pre race horse trigger it is a waste of time to wait for inplay to finish.

    Is there anyway to skip to the next automatically when the current race goes in play?
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 15 Nov 2018
  • This will be tricky because this market may not be the only one refreshing at the same time. That is, if there is any other market, not In-Play, that is being refreshed at the same time as your In-Play market, you would not want to skip that one two, as Time Machine has a consolidated timeline with all markets ticking simultaneously.

    Well, at least this would be a problem with some users.