Author Topic: Market Locator  (Read 2341 times)

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Market Locator
« on: 24 Nov 2020, 18:40 »

I would like to leave a suggestion about the Market Locator. It would be important and an appreciated upgrade to have a wider use of conditions in market locator.

Let me give you my personal example. My trigger places 2 bets: one near the 45th minute at the current First Half Goal (FHG) and one at 90th minute at the current Under/Over market (U/O). I also use Match Odds (MO) to set a variable at the beggining of the match. So, as it is, currently, i need to open at the start of the match all the markets that i may need and those are: MO, FHG 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5, and also, U/O 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5. So, 9 markets, working since the off. Ideally, i would open the M.O at the beginning, the 2 suibtable FHG markets at the 35th minute and at the 85th minute the 2 suibtable U/O markets.

It would reduce the load, but mainly it would not give to betfair the wrong idea that i was monitoring markets since the off when, on reality, i didn't have any interest on most of them.

I know i can open a market and then use conditions in the trigger to close it right away. But that's far from ideal. Whenever a market is imported, it creates an extra disturbance for many seconds in the program, then i would have to run the trigger, as well. So, both extra disturbance and load. In addition, as i see now, after have had my account closed, whenever you don´t need a market, you should always avoid to open it at all. You never know when betfair will think you are misuing their data.

I know you have the Market Locator tool. But, i don't think it's useful for mine and most cases.

I don't know the amount of work it would require (probably a lot), or if it's even doable. I am just sure it would be a much appreciated upgrade by everyone.

I, and i am sure, many would gladly pay an one-off fee or an extra increment on the price of the program to be able of using an improved Market Locator.

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Re: Market Locator
« Reply #1 on: 30 Nov 2020, 23:49 »
I got the same problem BlueSky!

Atm, I’m developing a workaround for the problem. When I need to load a market, I use a trigger to write to text file. Like this:

Code: [Select]
["market_parent"] "/ Over/Under "[nowScore + 2]".5 Goals - Over/Under  "[nowScore + 2]".5 Goals"

(nowScore = User variable)

I’ve built a python script that check the folder and merge all text files to one text file every 10 second. Then I use the market locater to check the file and import the markets. When the market is loaded into MFP I use a new trigger to clear the market text file. Then the python script removes all empty text files. The market locater’s minimum search rate is 3 minutes and make it a little bit problematic, but more convenient than to load 8 markets at the beginning.

I’m not done with the testing, but when it’s done, I will start a new thread and share my python code and give a more understandable explanations and instructions. 😊

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Re: Market Locator
« Reply #2 on: 02 Dec 2020, 15:38 »
Hi Sputnik123

I’m not done with the testing, but when it’s done, I will start a new thread and share my python code and give a more understandable explanations and instructions. 😊
That would be really useful. Python script is way above of my habilities, and i would say of the great majority of MFPro users.

So, yes, please, as soon as you can post it. It would be a great addition to Market locator capacities. :):):)

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Re: Market Locator
« Reply #3 on: 09 Dec 2020, 00:15 »

Based  on Sputnik123's idea i've made a simplified workaround that avoids the download at once of all markets.

The principle is simple, i will try to explain:

1-You download a market and then use it through a trigger to create a file where it will write the markets you are interested to download later (according to your conditions).
2-Then you go to market locator and create the condition: market's name contains values in file (the file you created).
The file must have already the betting code of the market you use to run the trigger (in my case match odds).
3-At the end of the day you should delete all the names in the market with the exception of the one you use to run the trigger (match odds).

This is far from perfect but, i guess, in some situations it may help.

I send in attachment a version of it. Any doubts, just ask.

Sputnik123, if you have already tested your solution, it would be nice to know about it.


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Re: Market Locator
« Reply #4 on: 11 Dec 2020, 19:01 »
BlueSky, I sent you a PM yesterday. If someone else wonder. I think I will release beta version before new year.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE