Author Topic: Odd rounding function needed or new feature for r_ticks function  (Read 1637 times)

  • Élite
  • Posts: 166
For topic   Odds comparison via Excel (bamthwok)  and topic    Live score market information needed an odd rounding function is necessary because the odds from an external source and calculation in excel must be converted into betfair style odds.

If a calculation or excel sheet has an odd result of 5.02, the odd should be rounded to 5.0 or 5.1

Suggestion: leave r_ticks function as usual if first paramater is valid betfair odd.

If first parameter is no valid betfair odd, round to lower odd if ticks parameter is negative and to higher odd if ticks parameter is positive.

i. e.
r_ticks( 5.02, -1 ) = 5
r_ticks( 5.02, -2 ) = 4.9
r_ticks( 5.02, 1 ) = 5.1
r_ticks( 5.02, 2 ) = 5.2


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE