Author Topic: Retrieve data older than x days (updated each day)  (Read 1409 times)

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  • Posts: 32
This should be a very simple update to add to your existing one.

What would be extra useful is say you don't want to close the client for maybe a few days or longer. This means when you set this option "retrieve data older than 0 days" it doesn't update itself on the Account Statement when the next day begins.

This could easily be overcome by checking/updating this at 00:00 each day

Otherwise this means Account Statement will return yesterdays values and let's say I am not at the computer that day and one of my triggers relies on this function. For me this is a medium size problem should I want to leave it logged in for more than a few days - it's only minor but it would be excellent if this could be implemented in the next release.

Thank you - Chris. :)


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