Author Topic: sound settings - turn off goal/set  (Read 1799 times)

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sound settings - turn off goal/set
« on: 18 Sep 2013, 14:33 »
I wonder if it is possible to tweak in the next version to
turn off the sound every time a goal is scored or the end of a frame in tennis.
It is an annoying sound especially when one is waiting to hear the
ping sound when a bet is placed.
If it is possible then great
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: sound settings - turn off goal/set
« Reply #1 on: 18 Sep 2013, 15:17 »
Settings > Look and Feel > Sounds

clear the one for goals and save settings
or you could record your own sound file to play using Windows Sound Recorder and specify it there.
e.g. 2 seconds of silence
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Re: sound settings - turn off goal/set
« Reply #2 on: 20 Sep 2013, 12:39 »
AAH.... peace at last!
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.


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