Author Topic: The ability to select months using the current time variable  (Read 1915 times)

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(I posted about this yesterday in the triggered betting forum, but the lack of replies makes me think it's not currently possible, hence I thought it might make a good suggestion for an upcoming release.)

I have some triggers that historically don't perform well at certain times of the year.  At the moment I avoid those parts of the year by using the trigger expression:

Global Current Time is Outside 01/10/2014 and 31/01/2015

While this works fine, I need to remember to adjust it annually for each affected trigger, as obviously the year changes each 12 months.  Could the Current time variable be made to address individual months, rather than just days of the week or times of the day?

  • Nerd
  • Élite
  • Posts: 462
  • Gender: Male
  • I think I could be on to something here!
You should be able to use a trigger. but this is a small pain to suffer once a year.

stop date and start date in constant in MF time format.

if start date and stop date < now_time

start date + (8760/mf_hour)
Action 2
stop date +  + (8760/mf_hour)

this should add a year .. setting the pause period forward.

check it .. test.

Fortune favors the brave!

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  • Posts: 406
Thanks 1oser

I'll try that

I appreciate that it seems a trivial thing, but when you have different strategies running in various overlapping seasons, it's easy to miss one and then have it firing during the wrong part of the year, with a resulting bad effect on the bank balance!

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  • Posts: 51
I thin that might work. Trying this out as well.
Greening Up


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