Author Topic: Trigger Blocks  (Read 1328 times)

  • Nerd
  • Élite
  • Posts: 462
  • Gender: Male
  • I think I could be on to something here!
Trigger Blocks
« on: 21 Sep 2010, 07:18 »
Ok, I will admit .. this might complicate things .. but could also help improve performance.

I would like the ability to specify trigger blocks as in-play/not in-play ... win markets, place markets etc. just like you have in the trigger itself.

I currently have both in play and idle triggers (total 8) ... and I believe that if I could set the blocks as in-play and not in-play .. it would improve performance as the entire block will not have to be checked. Say I only have 2 in-play triggers, the other 6 are still always checked and with a refresh of 0.3s in-play it could prove crucial as my number of in-play triggers also increases.

I know it's very little gain for probably a  lot of effort ... but I think as other people add more triggers as well it could be handy in the long run.
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