  • #1 by stillout on 29 May 2010
  • Hi to everyone. I am not sure if this is already posted but since the recording live markets is forbidden by BETFAIR i guess it would be great if we could have some kind of simulation of a live event. Ofcourse the results and the movement of prices should be a combination of the original price/rank  of every racer(for horse race) and ofcourse some random generator... Like all these virtual games(horse racing, soccer) that already exist but from the exchange market view. I know the results cannot respond to reality but for sure with a future like we could easily test In-Play triggers without have to wait day by day for live results and etc...

    Well i guess that this involves a lot of work but i hope someday of MF will have this future
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 31 May 2010
  • Hello.

    Yes, it has been mentioned before, and I personally think this would be a top-notch add-on to MF Pro. We already have a lot of ideas backstage. If you want to contribute, please post here.