Author Topic: Trigger editor  (Read 16146 times)

  • Tim Vetrov
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Trigger editor
« on: 16 Dec 2009, 13:14 »
I've read about the suggestion to make a separate trigger editor.

But it can prove impossible if you need the functionality described in the poll topic.
Please let us know if that feature is really necessary.
Thank you.
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Re: Trigger editor
« Reply #1 on: 17 Dec 2009, 09:43 »
I find it more useful this change:

markets/soccer/Correct Score                         0-0
                                                                        0-2 ecc... ecc..

this way I can work on the individual selection and save a lot of resources at my processor!! :o

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Re: Trigger editor
« Reply #2 on: 14 Apr 2010, 11:52 »
I like the idea of opening up a separate instance of MFPro, (in Test Mode, monitoring no markets), just so you can edit/write triggers while trading away on another machine...but once you've edited your current trigger file or written a new one, how do you get your trading MFPro instance to use a new set of triggers you would like to use.

At present, the only way is to click "Edit" triggers, accept to stop monitoring markets, and once the current trigger file opens, (which takes several seconds if it's a large file that was interrupted in mid-trading), you click "Open", navigate to the trigger file you want to open e.g. your newly created/edited trigger file or a trigger example, wait for that to load up, press save (just to be sure!) and close the trigger editing window, (which again takes several seconds if it's a large file)...before returning to monitoring and trading with the newly loaded trigger file.

It would be great to have a drop-down list box of triggers saved in e.g. your MFPro Folder, that opens at the market interface and allows you to quickly select a different trigger file that you would like to run instead of the current one that's running. :)

This drop down list box would also show what trigger file is currently being used (for those of us who have several different triggers)...

Just imagine...
Current horse race is a Sprint you load up your Sprint Handicap trigger.

Next horse race is a Novice you unload the Sprint Handicap Trigger and load your Novice Chase trigger from the drop down list...

Next is a greyhound you unload the Novice Chase Trigger by selecting your Greyhound trigger from the drop down list...

...and so on.

This would make for smaller, and hence more quickly processed, trigger files rather than having a large trigger file with different blocks trading the different types of races you come across.

Of course, if you select a new trigger file to replace the current one, you would still get the pop up warning that markets must be stopped for your change of triggers to take place.

Just an idea that some might find useful...I know I would!


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