  • #1 by RunGeeGeeRun on 13 Oct 2015
  • Hello, I'm new to Marketfeeder and enjoying a free trial period and reading through the manual.

    Is there any way to have different colors display for unmatched back bets compared to unmatched lay bets.  For example in the top picture in the example at ( )  it's impossible to tell in which of the unmatched bets on Brunton Blue is a back and which is a lay.  If different colors aren't currently possible is there any way to tell them apart?
  • #2 by mcbee on 14 Oct 2015
  • hi
    in the unmatched screen, the back and lay do have different colors
    back = light blue
    lay = light pink
    if you want to change the colors then open settings at the top right of mfp screen and select Look and Feel, you can change the colors to suit your needs.

  • #3 by RunGeeGeeRun on 17 Oct 2015
  • Aha, thanks for that mcbee - found the setting.  It's the "light lay color" and "light back color".  I'm color blind so the default colors looked the same to me but I've changed the "light back color" to yellow which I can distinguish against the light blue of the back color.   