Author Topic: Support Issue  (Read 3439 times)

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Support Issue
« on: 27 Dec 2017, 12:54 »
Past 3-4 days  (I know, not an ideal time)
I have started a free trial  for Time Machine.  

However  had all sorts of problems getting up and running, including wrong advice sent 
from support, wrong product key, which was eventually sorted after me going on a wild  goose chase.

I now have Time machine but have all sorts  of questions, and issues, 
When I email support they reply within 24 hours but not all the issues, and then  I have to reply to them and wait another 12-24 hours,  its crazy,  I just wanna get on with it.
A  Telephone conversation,  or online chat would sort it, but the issues are not being sorted and at snails  pace.  
I know its holiday period, maybe that is just it, but I dont care how good the software is or claims to be, if there is no help and support at a reasonable level its no use to me whatsoever.  
Its fairly simple questions, yes I'm an idiot. all customers are, But emails every 12-24 hours and not sorting my issues out really don't help. 10 minute conversation would  probably  solve  everything. 

Whats really really annoying is that the wrong product key sent was  not my doing and wasted  a few days of  my trial.


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Re: Support Issue
« Reply #1 on: 27 Dec 2017, 14:21 »
If you have lost free trial days Welldone will add days on to your free trial.

What type of issues do you have?  Initial program set up and basic getting it to work issues are probably best sorted on the forum.  So what do you need to sort?

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Re: Support Issue
« Reply #2 on: 27 Dec 2017, 14:38 »
Hi Rubold  thanks for  your time.  

Right here goes, bare with me please!

At first I got confused between Market Feeder and Time Machine. I have now downloaded 
Market Feeder and got onto Time machine.  I even selected 5 soccer matches to purchase and added them to my cart.  
Originally I could click the cart and view it, but now  I cant click on it, when I click nothing 
happens, therefore I cant go and checkout (I need to buy 5 more anyway as minimum spend £5) But If I can not see whats in my cart already its an issue. 

Second if I'm being honest, the mess which was in my first day or two with my confusion, and the wrong product key being sent, and getting error messages has confused me even more,   

I got onto MarketFeeder and Time Machine and i saw it and I got games,   
but I have no idea how I got onto it, and whether it will be there later when I get to my PC.  

If the Market Feeder Software  is there on my PC permanent that's fine.  
my question is How do I log in and out of Time  Machine ( or Market Feeder)

I'm sorry if this sounds dumb but I'm not at  my PC, And I'm pretty  afraid when I get home in front my  PC, something will be gone or not logged in. Then I need to email support  or come on here but if there's no response for an hour or 12 hours then I'm back to Square one. You guys all have lives so I dont expect you to be there all the time, but its very very frustrating.

When I first signed up  for free trial I expected  everything would be done to try and help the process but the info given is pretty  poor.  

Thanks for reading 


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Re: Support Issue
« Reply #3 on: 27 Dec 2017, 15:49 »
MFP installs on your computer and should have placed a shortcut on your desktop and/or quick launch menu (at bottom left of Windows screen) if you requested it to do so.  If neither of these are present then you will need to open the list of installed programs by pressing the Windows button and scrolling down the alphabetical list to find Marketfeeder.  

You can also navigate to C:\\program files(86)\MarketFeeder Pro 8 and open the program application feeder8 from that location.  You could also right click on it select Run this Program as Administrator, also Pin to quick launch, taskbar (depending on your Windows version) to create a shortcut.  I use Windows Server 2012 so can't tell you exactly what Windows 10 will offer.

The first screen after you launch the application is the log in window.  At the top right of this window you can decide whether to run the program in Time Machine or Betfair Mode.  You can also select different profiles, but at the moment just use Default.  To log out simply close the main program window by pressing the X.

I can't immediately help you to find the Time machine cart, as I don't have a current TM subscription.  But can I suggest you open TM and just select enough matches in one session to fulfil the £6 minimum order and you should have no problems.

This program is complex, but works faultlessly and really is a Tour de Force.  Before you do anything else open the Settings window and at top left Untick  Show a pop-up window......  and untick "Request Confirmation for every critical operation" and click save.   It is worth familiarising yourself with all the settings in this window.

I don't agree that the info is pretty poor.  The manual is comprehensive, but does take a huge effort to read and understand everything on first use.  the program can do anything you want.

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Re: Support Issue
« Reply #4 on: 27 Dec 2017, 16:03 »
Thank you very much

Will give it a go in a few hours.  

I'll assume you wont be around  so will send them on here, and wait (again!)

but the above reply is comprehensive and appreciated.



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Re: Support Issue
« Reply #5 on: 28 Dec 2017, 12:40 »
Yo Rubold!

Got home and most sorted,  Thank you very  much for you time.  

I re logged in, I saved some soccer games,I bought 10 for £5, had a few wobbles  
Till I read  the thing needs 'refreshing' , downloaded  in batches, 

I went to one game before bed, but Had 1-2 issues which are I'm sure solvable in the manual.

Hopefully I can have a good read next 3-4 days get it working, get acquainted, and  start
getting some good value from my trial...  

I must admit, I only  got  this for Time Machine to backtest some football trading methods,  
but the amount of stuff on this whole  thing is incredible,  will be very tempted to  try some out.

Thank you kindly  once again for your help



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