Author Topic: issues with time machine interface! doesnt allow me to tick boxes for events to  (Read 5008 times)

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  • Posts: 1
Hi there, been a member for a while now, and i'm at the stage were im trying to load markets into excel so tht i can use historical data to create a graph anaylsis,, I wasnt able to do so on MFpro so i subscribed to time machine only and so far... 

Im having issues with time machine interface! doesnt allow me to tick boxes for events to export to excel, or even drag markets to feed the timeline.... any help would be great! If you have facebook live chat would be great!

Abel Beyene


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  • Posts: 3675
Please have a look the attached screenshot. Just try loading one market first to see how it works.
1. expand All Purchased node and select one market
2. start time machine
3. when you can see the prices refreshing, click Launch Excel

In case you have not seen it here is a vid showing how to get started in TM
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