Author Topic: Time Machine Freezes with medium to large number of "My markets"  (Read 3211 times)

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  • Posts: 28
I've been trying for the last few hours to get Time machine to work with about a week's GB horse racing markets (win and place) in "My Markets". It's only set to start monitoring each market about 11 minutes before the off, so there would only be 2 to 4 or so markets running at any one time.  

However, when clicking Time Machine's Start button, the program freezes and Windows gives me the message "MarketFeeder Pro is not responding" with the usual options of "Close the Program" or "Wait for the Program to Respond".  

I've tried waiting 10 minutes or more but it stays unresponsive.  I've tried different fresh profiles but still the same freezes.

I seem to be able to load a day's worth of GB markets into "My markets"  at a time, but if I load 2 or 3 days or more the freezes happen once I try to start the Time Machine.

It would be nice to be able to load a large number of races into "My Markets" at once so that I can just let it run through them one by one automatically over however long it takes, rather than have to keep an eye on it, and loading and unloading one day at a time.

This is on Windows 7, 8GB RAM, Dual core Pentium E5800 (3.2Ghz per core), using a 4 second refresh rate for any started markets (of which there would be, as mentioned above only 2 to 4 actually running at one time).

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  • Posts: 28
I've just re-downloaded one particular day's markets which may have been causing the problem.   I'll update things here after a bit more testing.

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  • Posts: 28
OK, not sure if redownloading a day or two's markets helped but I've managed to trick Time Machine into loading 8 days worth of GB horse racing into "My Markets" and successfully running.

The trick is....

Firstly I loaded a single day.  Then started Time Machine, then Pause, then load a second day,  unpause Time Machine to make sure its still running OK, then pause again, then load a third day, unpause again to make sure it's still running again, then pause again, then load a fourth day etc.

It's still a bit problematic if you need to re-add markets at the start of the timeline but at least it's something.  Hopefull the nice WelDoneSoft people may improve this in a future release.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE