Author Topic: Time Machine Issue  (Read 2866 times)

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Time Machine Issue
« on: 13 Apr 2021, 17:59 »

I'm having issues downloading the purchased markets, I have over 12000, I've tried downloading in batches. Seems to work for the first batch, but as soon as I start the second batch i get the following error :-
Statement execution error NOT NULL constraint failed: new_silks.selectionid and then and error during the update of the database message and finally another error similar to the first.

I've tried refreshing the database, which doesn't work as it's locked by the program. So I then deleted the files from my profile, uninstalled MarketFeeder Pro, reinstalled and tried again.

Same problem.

So currently I've spent nearly £50 on historical data that I can't use.

Any suggestions.


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Re: Time Machine Issue
« Reply #1 on: 14 Apr 2021, 20:02 »
Due the size of 12,000 markets I feel it will be impossible to download all them into the program in one batch or even several batches.

The best way is to download one day's markets at a time:

 I just click on All Purchased, then click Greyhound or Horse racing calendar, find the day's events I want and select All Markets, where the events purchased for that day will be downloaded after clicking the download symbol.  Then click the other symbol to load win and/or place markets into My Markets.  Occasionly a few markets are missing at the first attempt, but all you need is to find those in red print, click on each one to download and reselect by clicking the box.

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Time Machine Issue
« Reply #2 on: 20 Apr 2021, 09:16 »

I've answered your ticket.
Proud to be 🇺🇦
I'm happy to help Monday - Friday, 08:00-18:00 GMT
Буду рад помочь с понедельника по пятницу, 08:00-18:00 GMT


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